
Credit audit package

 When it comes to credit & finances, what you don’t know, you simply don’t know. Allow our certified credit consultants to review your credit reports and asses what steps you need to take to improve your credit score both immediately and over time. Our wealth of knowledge allows us to give you insight into laws, trends and changes that can help you in repairing your credit. Whether you need a better credit score for loans, employment, credit cards or even for peace-of-mind, let us help your maneuver your way through your credit journey.

Credit Restoration Package

Do you need your credit restored in 6 months? We’ve got the package just for you. Getting your credit back on track consists of more work than just deleting or updating items on your credit report.  Our talented and well-versed certified credit consultants will equip you with the knowledge necessary to establish and sustain an excellent credit score well into the future.  We will not only take on creditors on your behalf, but we will also fight to remove items that are negatively affecting your score. Allow our credit maven to be your personal guide. 

Credit building package

 Are you struggling with lack of credit and are worried it will hinder you from getting your dream job, car or home? The saying is true, having no credit can often be as bad as having bad credit. Allow our certified credit consultants to assist you in not only establishing good credit but also the necessary good money habits, which will help you maintain that score. The credit-building package will provide you with the following: Finding the right credit line, trade lines and loans. Inside education & insights on how the credit scoring system works, 3 one-on-one coach session where you will establish a money management plan and financial goals Access to an exclusive Facebook group and community, which allows you on-gong education and support during your financial journey.

Studies Show that 79% of all credit reports Contain Errors. 

We Can Fix them.

Let's Get Started